Engaged to the Unidentified

Type: Winter 2014 Anime

Plot Summary: Yonomi Kobeni, an ordinary girl, finds out on her 16th birthday that she is betrothed to Mitsumine Hakuya, a boy the same age as her. Hakuya moves in from the countryside and starts living with her, bringing his younger sister who is still a primary school student with him. Also added is his older sister who is already living with Kobeni and is two years older.The story revolves around these four people and their identities as “couples” and “sisters-in-law”.

Genre: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life

Released: 2014

Episodes: 12

Status: Completed

Also Known As: Mikakunin de Shinkoukei, 未確認で進行形

Engaged to the Unidentified

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